EKS Pod Identity Associations
About Pod Identity Agent Add-On¶
The EKS Pod Identity Add-on introduces an enhanced approach to managing IAM roles within Amazon EKS clusters, offering a simplified and efficient method for associating IAM roles with service accounts. By eliminating the need for multiple OIDC providers and complex trust policies, it addresses the challenges of the 100 OIDC provider limit per AWS account and mitigates trust policy size constraints. This add-on allows roles to trust a single service principle (pods.eks.amazonaws.com), reducing complexity, particularly in multi-cluster environments. The included identity agent, deployed as a daemonset, ensures secure and seamless integration of IAM roles with service accounts, making this add-on a recommended alternative to IRSA for managing pod identities and accessing AWS APIs within EKS clusters.
Did you know ?
EKS Pod Identity Association can be managed through various methods:
The following four (4) permissions are required to configure the Pod Identity Agent Association:
- "eks:CreatePodIdentityAssociation"
- "eks:DescribePodIdentityAssociation"
- "eks:DeletePodIdentityAssociation"
- "eks:UpdatePodIdentityAssociation"
- "eks:ListPodIdentityAssociations"
Day-0 Support¶
During the Day-0 cluster creation process, select the EKS Pod Identity Agent add-on from the Managed Addons drop-down list in the Advanced section, as shown in the image below. This add-on is essential as it deploys an identity agent daemonset on each node of the cluster, along with the service account. The deployment of the identity agent must be completed before configuring the Pod Identity Association.
Configuration and Deployment¶
Once the Identity Agent Add-on is deployed, click the Save & Customize button to add a Pod Identity Association. Add the Pod Identity Association parameters as shown in the example below:
- createServiceAccount: true
namespace: rafay-demo
roleARN: arn:aws:iam::679196758854:role/demo-eks-full
serviceAccountName: rafay-demo
- createServiceAccount: true
namespace: rafay-demo
roleARN: arn:aws:iam::679196758854:role/demo-eks-full
serviceAccountName: rafay-demo2
- createServiceAccount: true
namespace: rafay-demo
- arn:aws:iam::679196758854:policy/demo-eks-full
serviceAccountName: rafay-demo3
Once the configuration specification is updated, click Save Changes.
⚠️ Important:
agent and theingress-controller-v1
pod cannot run on the same cluster.
- To use the
agent, disable ingress in the custom blueprint flow, as shown below
Day-2 Support¶
Users have the ability to add the Pod Identity Addon post-cluster creation if it was not initially included. Users can update the IAM role and tags associated with the pod identity. It is possible to delete pod associations, edit and update the Pod Identity Addon version, and remove the addon when necessary.
To add a Pod Identity Association on Day-2:
- Select the required cluster from the Clusters page
- Click on Access tab
The Add Pod Identity page appears.
- Provide the Namespace and Service Account
- Toggle Create Service Account On/Off based on the requirement
- Optionally, provide the Role ARN, Role Name, Permission Boundary ARN, Permission Policy ARNs, Tags, and the Permission Policy (IAM policy document to attach to the role)
- Click Save
Managing IRSA to Pod Identity Migration¶
Migrating to the EKS Pod Identity Add-On is beneficial for simplifying IAM role management within Amazon EKS clusters by consolidating the role association process and overcoming limitations related to multiple OIDC providers and trust policy size. This migration should be performed when transitioning from an existing IRSA setup to utilize the enhanced pod identity features, which streamline role associations and improve operational efficiency. Users can conduct this migration during Day-2 operations or when aiming to optimize their cluster’s IAM role management by leveraging the capabilities of the Pod Identity Add-On.
Migrating to Pod Identity¶
When migrating from IRSA to the Pod Identity Add-On, the following actions occur:
- All IRSA links to service accounts are deleted (removal of annotations from service accounts)
- Roles are updated with the necessary service principal to enable Pod Identity, and OIDC is removed from trust relationships if opted by the user
- Pod Identity associations are created for those service accounts
Permissions Required¶
To ensure a smooth migration process, verify that the user or role associated with your cloud credentials has the following permissions:
Migration to Pod Identity via UI¶
- Select the cluster from the dashboard and click on the Settings gear icon at the right
- Select Migrate to Pod Identity
Migrate to Pod Identity pop-up appears
- Toggle On/Off the Remove OIDC and click Save
Before migrating to Pod Identity, the list of IRSAs is displayed on the cluster's IAM Service Account page as shown below
Once all the IRSA associations are successfully transitioned, the Pod Identities are displayed as shown below.
Migrating Individual IRSA to Pod Identity
If there are multiple IRSAs (e.g., three IRSAs), and there is a need to migrate only one to the new Pod Identity mode, the process must be done manually:
- Delete the IRSA link for the specific service account
- Manually create the Pod Identity association for the service account
Note: The migration process will, by default, update all service accounts
Reverting to IRSA from Pod Identity
Reverting to the previous IRSA setup is a manual process: - Recreate the IRSA links for the service accounts as they were before migration - Remove the Pod Identity associations for the affected service accounts
To add a Pod Identity Association via RCTL, add the podIdentityAssociation
parameters to the EKS Cluster Config Spec as highlighted in the below example
kind: Cluster
name: demo-eks-cluster
project: defaultproject
blueprint: minimal
blueprintversion: 2.9.0
cloudprovider: demo-eks
cniprovider: aws-cni
proxyconfig: {}
type: eks
- name: coredns
version: v1.11.1-eksbuild.4
- name: vpc-cni
version: v1.16.0-eksbuild.1
- name: kube-proxy
version: v1.29.0-eksbuild.1
- name: aws-ebs-csi-driver
version: latest
- name: eks-pod-identity-agent
version: latest
apiVersion: rafay.io/v1alpha5
- createServiceAccount: true
namespace: rafay-demo
roleARN: arn:aws:iam::679196758854:role/demo-eks-full
serviceAccountName: rafay-demo
- createServiceAccount: true
namespace: rafay-demo
roleARN: arn:aws:iam::679196758854:role/demo-eks-full
serviceAccountName: rafay-demo2
- createServiceAccount: true
namespace: rafay-demo
- arn:aws:iam::679196758854:policy/demo-eks-full
serviceAccountName: rafay-demo3
- attachRoleARN: arn:aws:iam::679196758854:role/eksctl-demo-imported-clus46-addon-vpc-cni-Role1-badgX6yB68vw
name: demo-test
namespace: rafay-demo
withOIDC: true
kind: ClusterConfig
- amiFamily: AmazonLinux2
desiredCapacity: 2
autoScaler: true
- t3.xlarge
maxSize: 2
minSize: 0
name: ng-51ada954
version: "1.29"
volumeSize: 80
volumeType: gp3
name: demo-eks-cluster
region: us-west-2
email: demo@rafay.co
env: dev
version: "1.29"
privateAccess: true
publicAccess: false
gateway: Single
Migration from IRSA to PIA Via RCTL¶
Use the following command to migrate the cluster to pod identity and remove the OIDC provider, which will disable the existing OIDC provider and transition the cluster to use pod identity instead:
rctl migrate-to-pod-identity <cluster-name> --remove-oidc-provider=true
Post-Migration Steps¶
For Terraform Users¶
For Terraform users, this will result in a difference between the cluster configuration in the resource file and the cloud object with respect to pod identity associations and IRSA, due to creation and deletion during the migration step.
To resolve: - Execute the following command to sync the state file:
terraform apply --refresh-only
- Run the following command to output the resource file, which will now align with the new state file:
terraform show
- Update the resource file:
- Add the newly created pod identities
- Remove the IRSA entries to avoid further discrepancies in the state files
For git/rctl Users¶
For Git/rctl users, the source file will be missing changes related to pod identity associations and IRSA, due to creation and deletion during the migration step.
To resolve: - Manually update the pod identity section to align with the current cluster configuration - Manually delete the IRSA section